Market update: Flat week ahead FOMC

RTS : 827 | Brent spot: 38.2 | RUB/USD : 71.00

The past week has brought nothing special to investors in emerging markets — MXEF added just 0.4%, while oil prices fallen about  5% after long winning steak from january lows.

Читать далее «Market update: Flat week ahead FOMC»

Market update: Global risk-on extended the rally of the Russian equities


RTS : 820 | Brent spot: 39.2 | RUB/USD : 72.40

The past week has brought excellent returns to investors of risky assets – emerging markets added about 3%, oil prices increased 7% and touched $40 per barrel Brent.

Читать далее «Market update: Global risk-on extended the rally of the Russian equities»

Monthly portfolio review – February 2016


In February the Russian stock market added about 3% in dollar terms. Ruble yield was the same due to the stable exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar over the month. The main reason for the increase was the rise in oil prices on expectations of an agreement between the world’s key oil producers to freeze production at current levels.

Читать далее «Monthly portfolio review – February 2016»

Market update: Feels like on on the crest of a wave?


RTS : 765 | Brent spot: 36.75 | RUB/USD : 73.80

Since early February Russian market has shown outstanding performance — RTS added about 20% compared with zero by MSCI ACWI and MSCI EM due to higher oil prices which increased due to speculations regarding the arrangements of OPEC& non-OPEC countries to freeze output levels.

Читать далее «Market update: Feels like on on the crest of a wave?»